Well, not real brambles. But, a new Bramble panotgraph. A customer has made a lovely quilt for her brother. Guys. They are a tough bunch to quilt for. Of course, they don't want anything girly, and on top of that his visual is a quilt in a cabin. Of course my brain went to cabin in the woods, which led to underbrush and sticker bushes. In desperation I emailed
Urban Elementz (online source of pantos) what she had available that might work. The first one on the list was Bramble! Perfect! So today I had the opportunity to set up a practice sandwich on Miss Margie and practice making brambles:

There I am on my beloved saddle stool. I can quilt for hours at a time without fatigue! My feet are very grateful to the company that makes it. I got mine from

This week has also seen a lot of gnashing of teeth trying to figure out how to make a crazy 3-D bow tie block for the guild's February Quilt of the Month. Ignore the fabric - scraps, you know. Usually the block is made with 5 charm squares - 2 background squares, 2 bow tie squares and a square for the center of the bow tie. Of course, I had to put my own twist on it and made 4, half-square triangle blocks to use instead of just the charm squares. Once I figured out how to put the thing together so that the resulting pinwheel went in the right direction, all was well. Now I'm waiting for fabric from
www.missouriquiltco.com to get here so I can get started.
If you are not getting their Daily Deal email, ..., well, just sign up for it! You might just find a cute charm pack for $2.22, or a $40 layer cake for $27!
Now, lets get to quilting!
Can you post a photo of your saddle chair? Intrigued..