Thursday, July 2, 2015

Nothing up my sleeve

For the last couple of weeks, I’ve just been heads-down, in my own world just puttering along with my own projects. And suddenly, life steps in and all the plans and projects mean something different. My sister, who lives 700 miles from me, will be having major surgery soon, and will need someone with her for a while. Of course, I want to be that person! Whatever plans I have at the moment, automatically become second priority. Just put a few things on hold, change some appointments and do what needs to be done. Family first.

News From the Studio

Mystery Quilts

That Mystery Quilt from the May workshop is finally done!Can hardly wait for our first guild meeting next month to see all of the quilts the other participants made. Sue Jones, the workshop leader selected these fabrics for me.

Here’s my customer’s version on the frame. Workshop leader, Sue Jones selected these fabrics for her. Gorgeous.

Quilt Sleeve

Most of the time I make a sleeve for my quilts out of left-over backing fabric. Here’s one I made recently for my Mystery Quilt, What Knots. Go to How to Make a Quilt Sleeve for instructions.


New Panto in the Studio

Another new panto is in the studio. My customer made a Wizard of Oz themed quilt, and the panto is call Torrent! It just gives you the ominous feeling of that approaching tornado, doesn’t it?

Learning for the Week

A few days ago, I had occasion to drop in on a quilting friend, and we spent a good bit of time just enjoying each other’s company. It dawned on both of us, how easy it is to get so busy that we forget to nurture our friendships. So, this week, I had lunch with a new friend, and we sewed together and talked all afternoon. The next day, I had lunch with another friend. It’s been too long since we’ve spent time together. 

Who is it in your own life that you need to just spend time with? Which friend do you wish would ask you to lunch? Have you ever heard of a phone? Do you have her number? Just ask her to lunch. A long lunch. Nurture at least one friend this week. She needs you.

Now, go call your friend, then let’s go quilting!


1 comment:

  1. Sharon, hope everything goes well with your sister's surgery. Seems you and I are again living parallel lives. In March I had to put everything on hold to assist my mother with knee replacement surgery and recovery. You are correct --- family first. Be well and be safe traveling.


Thanks for your comments!