Is there a normal life? Does anyone ever live a normal life?
Sometimes I find myself wanting to “get back to a normal routine”. But usually,
it just means “getting to do whatever I want to do, when I want to do it”. Wait
a minute – that sounds exactly like my definition of being retired. And since I
am retired, why am I not living a normal life? Oh, I know! I haven’t done a
lick of sewing or quilting since I put all of those sleeves on all those quilts
that you saw in my last post. I think I’m having withdrawal symptoms.
News from the studio
A visit to the Mead Orchard
Last week, the DH and I drove to upstate NY, to visit my
sister and her DH. His family owns a large orchard near Tivoli, Mead Orchards.
They grow many varieties of apples, peaches, pears, cherries, apricots, you
name it. They also have some acreage in veggies and fruits, like strawberries
and blueberries for the summer markets. They have pick your own in the fall, make
their own cider, and on and on.
Back to real life
After all of that, it’s back to “normal” – but the mundane
kind: fill up the frig, go to the pharmacy, make dr. appointments, take care of
guild business, etc. and still no quilting! Sorry, I just can’t devote my life
to the mundane. So, the payoff for all that mundane stuff is to reward myself
with studio time!! The goal today is to wash the batik I got in NY and figure
out where I am on that Precision Piecing class quilt.
So, do the daily chores with joy, knowing that your reward
is waiting for you in your sewing space!
Now let’s go quilting!
Quick update: My goal has already been met: fabric in the washer! Still plenty of time in the day to make some more progress. But mundane still calls - a trip to Walmart is next on the list.