Playing with blocks and other endeavors
Free Wheelin' |
The little quilt I've been showing you is finished! As you may know, it is the Quilt of the Month for the Appalachian Heritage Quilters guild for February. Usually, I am scrambling to get the QOM quilts finished before the meeting - but I got 'er done early this time.
The block for this quilt is called the 10-minute block.
There is a 5-minute block, too, which is basically, half of the 10-minute one. It forms a 3-D triangle! 'Thing is, if you have a lot of these babies in a quilt - it is a bear to quilt. So, if you decide to do something with the 5-minute block, keep the need for quilting space in mind.
Another little block I played with is the "exploding" block. It is made without a single 1/2 or 1/4 square triangle! Eeezy-Peezy.
With no pressing projects nagging at me, today was Label Day. I already had the labels made for 4 quilts - and it was time to attach them. I am a big proponent of putting labels on quilts. If you have bought any of my patterns (My Craftsy Patterns), you have seen the "Apply the Label" section, and know why.
When Mother died, she had 2 unfinished quilts. I took the top that was finished, and my DS took the unfinished one. The problem was that we had no clue who had made either of them. It could have been Granny, my great aunt, or Mother. So now, I try to keep info in each project box about the project, and put an informative label on the finished quilt. I hope you do, too. It's important. Your heirs may long for a sense of who you were. They will want to feel connected to you, even if they never knew you personally.
Let's get back to quilting (and labeling)!
Excellent info on the labeling. I, as you know, have begun putting labels on my quilts. Even the ones I'm selling. People who purchase quilts for themselves or as a gift are very interested in who made it, where they live, and when it was made. Hugs 2 u