Last week, on the way home from the chiropractor, I had to do a double-take on this sign. What?! That's just way too much information. Who would announce such a thing with a big sign? I thought: "I didn't know there was a pharmacy in that building. And who did they get to make the sign, a dim-wit? Where's the word 'vaccine'?" What will they announce next, "We Have Leprosy" or, heaven forbid, "We Have Crabs"?

today, I went back and took a picture of the puzzling sign. Then I saw this one. That probably explains it, but maybe not. Perhaps leaving off the word "roofing" was the point. I'm thinking they get a kick watching people take pictures from the parking lot of the do-it-yourself car wash next door. I'm still laughing.
News From The Studio
Scrappy Hunter's Star
Remember that gorgeous jelly roll and layer cake I got from Craftsy a few posts ago? Well, I ran across a scrappy hunter's star quilt from the Hopeful Homemaker blog. She shares all of the instructions, if you want to make it.
Go to Scrappy Hunter's Star.

I've cut all of the pieces for one to be made from fabric I received at last year's Old Town Guild Christmas party. And I've almost got the layer cake from Craftsy cut for another one. I'll keep you posted on my progress.
Block Design Board

Have you seen these? They are called "block design boards". I haven't found them in the area, but are easy to make. These are by Lori Holt. When I laid out the first block of the Old Town Hunter's Star, I decided one of these would be wonderful to help me keep patches from falling off of the sewing desk or getting all stirred up. Super easy to make, too. Poster board, batting, glue gun, and you don't even have to put the little "binding" on. Cool.
Learning for the Week
I must be a slow learner. I had to call my DH on the intercom, and ask him what I have learned in the last couple of weeks. Of course, he was completely dumbfounded, which is very unusual for him. When he found his voice, he told me what
he wanted to learn: "How do the stars and planets, etc. know that other celestial bodies are approaching so they can know how their orbits will be affected by the other bodies' gravity." As you can guess, my eyes rolled by in my head and I was completely dumbfounded.

Actually, it has only recently occurred to me, that it is okay for me to wear leggings and a big shirt, like everyone else does. Some of you may not be aware that leggings are far from new to the fashion world. Audrey Hepburn popularized skin-tight capris in the 50's. Some of you may remember wearing your boyfriend's "too-big-for-you" shirts and skinny pants back then, too.
Remember the stirrup pants from the 60's? And those shinny black leggings that Olivia Newton-John wore in Grease in the 70's? Then there were the Lycra leggings of the 80's, and the leather leggings of the 90's. Leggings were "in" in the 2000's, and they are still here now.
Wonder where I've been?
Y'all have a great week! Now, let's go quilt something!
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