Always put a lull-in-the-action in your studio to good use. I got stalled last week, waiting to acquire what I needed to continue. I really don't like being in that situation. I'm uncomfortable, and wander aimlessly through the house wondering what to do with myself.
First, I got stuck behind a needed tool. As you may remember, I'm taking the Precision Piecing class on Craftsy. The instructor had us make a template with all the different angles that quilters use. We marked all the seams and angles on it and punched holes in it where the seams intersect.
Now this is a
precision piecing class. An inaccurate, homemade tool (the best I can do) cannot precisely mark dots at seam intersections, no matter how accurately the patches are cut. I at least need a tool more accurate than one made by me. So I stopped working on those blocks, and ordered a tool made exactly for this purpose, The Quilter's Quarter Marker is available at (Thankfully, it arrived on Monday.) It works great! Oh, I just heard from Janet Hoxie ( that the tool is on back order at the moment. It should arrive in 5-6 weeks. If you want, she will put you on the waiting list and let you know when they arrive.
Secondly, quilting work is stalled. I'm waiting for a thread order for one job, and am stuck behind a panto order on another. It can be very frustrating for me to just wait! My kindergarten teacher, Miss Taylor, noted on one of my report cards (which I still have) that "Sharon does not handle frustration well." So true.

Anyway, while waiting, I wandered around the studio, trying to get interested in a ufo or something. I spotted a project box, covered with dust, and found a top and backing just waiting to be discovered. What a treat. They had been in that same box since 2010! It's a slightly modified version of the Milky Way design by Georgette Dell'Orco. I had thread that was perfect for it - so I threw it on the longarm and voila!
Now I'm not quite so stuck. I can move forward on my Precision Piecing class, and will give myself a break from making decisions about future projects until the thread and panto show up.
Oh, BTW. I just scheduled a Learn to Quilt with Jack and Jill class at Heavenly Stitches Quilt Shoppe in Kingsport, TN. It will start May 6 at 2:00pm, and run for 6 weeks, ending on 6/10. If anyone you know is interested in learning to quilt, have them call Heavenly Stitches at 423-406-1401. The only prerequisites are to be familiar with their machine and be able to sew a straight seam.
Now let's go quilt something!